Guiding questions for PVE actor mapping involves analysing the roles, interests and capacities of actors in relation to identified PVE factors.

Actor mapping can be done after the analysis of the resilience and vulnerability factors, mapping actors in relation to those that are instrumental in VE and PVE.

Why use it? To identify the actors key to your programme and the type of influence they are likely to have over the programme. This enables you to make strategic decisions around whom you need to engage and why.

This tool is most useful at the design stage, but can also be used during implementation. It can be used together with:

1.1 Understanding the VE challenge

Actor or stakeholder mapping involves analysing the roles, interests and capacities of actors in relation to identified PVE factors. These guiding questions can be integrated into UNDP's existing actor mapping processes and tools.

Identify the VE context for the actor mapping. It can be useful to focus in on specific VE and resilience factors rather than the VE context at large to understand the specific roles, relationships and interests of different actors.

Questions to ask when conducting PVE actor mapping:
  • Who are the key actors that play a role in the VE context?
  • What are the roles of different men and women in the VE context?
  • Which actors are involved in recruitment? How?
  • Who is most vulnerable to recruitment? Why and how? How do gender norms interact with vulnerability or resilience to recruitment?
  • What are their interests, incentives, objectives, capacities?
  • What are the relationships between these actors? How are these actors connected (directly/ indirectly, through social networks, etc.)?
  • How are informal and formal relationships affected by, or influence, this vulnerability or resilience factor?
  • Who is instrumental to prevention? How and why?
  • How do gender roles influence different men and women engaged in prevention activities?
  • What are the capacities of these prevention actors?
  • Who are the spoilers? How and why?